Fern Prothallium Antheridia Archegonia WM Prepared Microscope Slide
7-16EE Fern Prothallium Antheridia Archegonia WM Prepared Microscope Slide Fern prothallium; antheridia & archegonia on separate prothallia, wm.
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Triarch Incorporated offers superior prepared microscope slides. While we produce over 2300 different Botany slides, we also make Zoology, Histology and Embryology slides. In addition, we offer affordable quality microscopes from Swift and Leica for less. Use coupon code SWIFT10 for an additional 10% off our already low Swift prices.
Educational digital images are also available for purchase at high resolution magnifications (10x, 25x, and 100x).
CS = Cross Section: So the slide shows a thin section through the transverse plane of an organism.
LS = Longitudinal Section: So the slide shows a vertical section of the organism along the longest plane.
WM = Whole Mount: So the slide shows an entire organism or structure, as indicated, is preserved on the slide
CRT = Cross Section, Radial Section, and Tangential Section: So the slide shows sections of wood along the transverse, radial, and tangential planes.
Sag = Sagittal Section: So the slide shows a thin section through the sagittal plane through the midline.
Serial Sections = So the slide shows consecutive sections of the organism.
Rep = Representative Sections (Embryology): So the slide shows one section of the organism from each typical area of study.
Triarch Incorporated’s name is based on a botanical slide
that illustrates three ridges of xylem found in the vascular cylinder of the Ranunculus root.
Our founder, George H. Conant, Ph.D., had three principles in mind:
Accuracy, Service, and Dependability.
He incorporated these into the Triarch logo based on the triarch vascular cylinder.